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We are in the semi-final round for developing a Master Plan for Treet TV, and would really appreciate your votes to help determine which designs we should focus further development on during this final iteration phase.  Read more about the project challenge here:

During our most recent feedback meeting with Treet, there were some concerns expressed around the feasibility of several concepts, and though they don’t have a specific budget in mind for executing the design, they were concerned that some of the designs would be prohibitively expensive or complex to actually build.  They also provided some specific areas they wanted to see focus on, as expressed in this post:

Keep in mind that the only two designs submitted since we learned of Treet’s feedback are the top two designs shown.  You are free to vote for previous designs if you feel very strongly that they should be considered, but keep in mind that they don’t necessarily accommodate the feedback we’ve received since they were submitted.

How to Vote:

To vote, you can simply log into to using your full avatar name, (First, Last) and the password you obtained in Second Life by clicking the very base of the tree at the Tropical Treet sim.  Once you’re logged in, click ‘All Designs’ on the very top of the screen, and you’ll see every design that has been submitted.  You can cast a total of 3 positive, and 3 negative votes – and you can spread those votes out across 3 different design if you like, or cast all 3 on one design if you really like it.  If you cast more than 3, the first vote you cast will be removed


Thanks to everyone who submitted designs during the first round of development on Treet TV’s master plan!  As usual, the Studio Wikitecture team came up with some amazing and creative ideas, and it gave Treet TV a lot to think about!  As with many planning projects, the goals and objectives were not very clear in the beginning – but the Wikitecture process was very effective in helping flesh out a wide variety of different ideas.


Go to the following site for more information on each design: (you’ll need to be logged in first)

With these proposals, we were able to gather some invaluable feedback and reactions from Treet TV’s management team, and have included that feedback below.

We will keep design development open until November 17th, at which time we will invite everyone to cast their votes to determine the most popular designs.  We will also meet with Treet TV’s management team again, and based on their feedback and the voting results, we will choose 2 designs that are most promising.

We will then work on refining and combining those top designs for 2 more weeks, ending December 1st.

With a final voting round, we will then have arrived at a final design proposal, and will spend 1 final week polishing that design – finishing the project on December 8th.

We will then hold a final, public presentation of the concept to Treet TV sometime during the 2nd week of December.

If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!  We can be reached at info @

If you haven’t had a chance to submit any ideas yet – now is the time!  With fresh feedback, and a more clear sense of Treet’s objectives, this is an ideal time to jump in and offer up some ideas!  Anyone is welcome to join and contribute!

Here is the feedback from Treet TV:

When looking at a design, here are some of the questions that are good to ask.   None of these are requirements, but all are the kinds of things that we will look for.

  • Where are the common areas?  And where are the areas that are available to be occupied by new tenants and for new uses?
  • The areas “available” need to be attractive and inviting so people understand that they are ready to be occupied.  What design elements encourage people to be attracted to areas available to build?
  • Where will visitors land for orientation?
  • Each island has a telehub.  Will each island have a visitor orientation space?  Or, will each island telehub be a “mini orientation space” that leads them somewhere else?
  • Where are areas suitable for the “special purposes” listed below?
  • Are there areas of “sacred ground” that people know are never going to be developed, but are public and open so people can gather and enjoy themselves?
  • If somebody wants temporary studio space, where is the most likely place?
  • If a visitor tour were to be developed, what would be the main attractions?
  • Does the design incorporate water in a way that avoids the “four postage stamps in the pond” effect?

Some of the “special purposes” we might need to use land for:

  • Merchandising related to shows (perhaps a few shops)
  • Cafe space for meetings
  • Space for a “Treet Exhibition” to invite people to  meet all show producers.  Nice if the exhibition space were outdoors, flea-market style, and could be used for many purposes, yet doesn’t look bad if it’s empty.
  • Concerts
  • Parties
  • VIP gatherings
  • Small “office parks” of two offices MAXIMUM that can be scattered about so that people can have relaxing office space with the flexibility to have offices suit personal taste.

Here are a few progress screenshots of our work to-date on the Treet.TV master plan:

Everyone is welcome to join and contribute, and we need your help!  Everything you need to know – both about Treet.TV’s needs, and how to use the Wiki Tree – can be found on this site:

We meet every Thursday at 6pm SLT, at this SLurl: If you don’t care to submit 3D ideas, you can still be very helpful by casting votes on the website –  If you don’t have a password, click the very base of the Wiki Tree at the SLurl above.  Then use your full avatar name, first and last, with the password the Wiki Tree gives you.  Your votes make a huge difference in helping guide design development, so please take the time to cast a few votes!

Here are a few screenshot highlights:


Studio Wikitecture and the Treet TV community will hosting our weekly meeting tonight, to discuss progress on the current Wikitecture project – the development of an urban ‘master plan’ for Treet Islands.  We will answer questions anyone may have, and demonstrate use of the Wiki Tree for anyone who needs help.

More about the project can be found on the Treet.TV Island Development Wiki here:

The event will be held at the current Wiki Tree site here: If you don’t already have a Second Life account, click ‘Sign Up’ in the upper right corner of this link.

See you there!

The Studio Wikitecture project on the Treet Islands is ready to start it’s dynamic and creative evolution and you are invited to come and celebrate the kick-off.

Day: Thursday 3rd September
Time: 6pm SLT
Location: Treet.TV Wikitecture Project, Tropical Treet (97, 146, 24)

For a background on the project please visit:

We need your help in deciding how the Treet Islands should be designed.  The goal of the project is to come up with a plan by voting and selecting the best ideas.

Wiz and Keystone will be at the event to talk about their goals and hopes for the project.

Although this is the official event, it’s really an informal gathering where we hope people can find out how to get involved, meet others who are working on the project and to share ideas.

Hope to see you there!

Studio Wikitecture Portfolio